Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The LEGO Movie Title Sequence

A rather brilliant interview was shared on The Brothers Brick this morning about the process behind the closing credits of The LEGO Movie.

I didn't realize that the credits were done with actual LEGO using stop motion animation (rather that CGI, which is how the rest of the movie was made). I definitely suggest checking out the interview with Creative Director Brian Mah, VFX Supervisor James Anderson, and Executive Producer Kathy Kelehan of Alma Mater

Here's a link to the article, which was posted by Art of the Title:

One part of the interview that made me very happy was the fact that they actually used Lego Digital Designer-- the same program I'm using-- to create the micro scale settings for the title sequence!

Brian Mah's description of LDD:
A screenshot of some recent progress on the school design,
which is, of course being done on Lego Digital Designer
" It’s a free program that anyone can download online and it played a huge part in our design process. It’s like a user-friendly CAD program for building with Legos. It was originally created so that people could virtually build an object, then export a shopping list of which parts they needed to order to build it in real life. Once you get the hang of it, it’s a really fun program to use! It’s very realistic — everything you build literally has to be created the way you would build it in real life, brick by brick. It won’t allow you to put pieces together that won’t connect in reality. This made it a double-edged sword, in a way. "

Many interesting topics are discussed in the interview, from details in the design process to the animation and even the music! 

I highly recommend giving it a read. 

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